About the counselling/therapy benefit

The Baily Thomas Provident Fund is delighted to be able to offer you access to counselling/therapy through Mynurva, a provider of mental health support services.

Through Mynurva, you can access 1:1 counselling/therapy provided by fully qualified therapists who can help with a range of conditions from anxiety and depression to life events such as grief and relationship issues.

Mynurva offers a safe and confidential space to talk through your concerns and help you get the support you need. There are no waiting lists, and you can access support immediately. 

The Baily Thomas Provident Fund will pay for you, a spouse/partner and your dependent children (11 years and over) to have access to up to six therapy sessions each per year.

To find out more about Mynurva’s service, download the below leaflet.

What to do next

If you are interested in opting in to the Mynurva service, simply download and complete the below application form and return it to the Baily Thomas Provident Fund office.

Please note, a unique email address is required to access this benefit, and counselling/therapy takes place online via Mynurva’s secure video platform.


The Baily Thomas Provident Fund will not be made aware of the nature of the counselling/therapy sessions nor of the issues discussed.

The Baily Thomas Provident Fund also provides a range of other benefits through providers. You can find out more here Health Cash Plan  &  Financial Coaching


Benefits Opt In Form

Mynurva Brochure


How to book a counselling/therapy appointment with Mynurva 

If you have already opted into Mynurva and had your application approved, you will first need to activate your account. You can do this by visiting the following link and entering your details, as per those given on your application form – https://referrals.mynurva.com/bailythomas/

Once activated, you will receive a welcome email from Mynurva (please allow 24 hours for this to land in your email inbox). You will then be able to log in and book a counselling/therapy appointment at a convenient time. 

If you need to contact Mynurva about your booking or have an account query, you can email bookings@mynurva.com