This grant is available to those over 75 at the date of the purchase of a standard TV Licence. From 1 April 2021, a standard TV Licence costs £159.00.
Applications will be considered by the trustees in the following circumstances:
- you are over 75 years of age at the time you a required to purchase a new licence and, are required to pay for your TV Licence
- the TV Licence is for your household
Guidance notes for applicants
Applications should be made at least 4 weeks before the renewal date using the TV Licence Application form, which can be provided to you by a member of our staff, or you can download the application form by using the link at the foot of this page.
The application must be made and a Trustee decision received, in advance of the payment being made to purchase your licence.
You will be required to provide the following evidence with your TV Licence application form:
- A copy of the previous year's TV licence evidencing the expiry date; or
- A copy of the renewal notice received from TV Licensing, if this is available at the time you apply. The evidence provided should be in the name of the beneficiary or spouse/partner providing they live at the same address. If the bill is not in the name of the beneficiary, then additional evidence must be provided to indicate that the beneficiary is resident at the same address. This can be a recent utility bill or bank statement.
If you have previously elected to pay on a weekly/monthly payment plan it is advisable that you choose to pay in full for your next licence if you wish to apply for a grant at your renewal date.
Application form
If you wish to apply for a grant you can download the printable application form by clicking this link.