This grant is available to support the provision of education and training from early years through to adulthood.
Applications for grants will be considered by the trustees for the following:
- for children with special educational, or additional support needs required to enable them to make progress, or to fulfil their potential.
- for 16-18 year olds continuing in Further Education where the course is not available locally.
- for 18-21 year olds continuing to Higher Education - degree courses at University.
- adult education: retraining and the acquisition of new skills and/ or qualification.
Guidance notes for applicants
Please read the following information carefully before you proceed with an application enquiry.
A grant may be considered by the trustees for these purposes:
Educational/Additional Support Needs (early years)
A maximum grant of £1,750 per academic year may be awarded.
The child must have specific educational or support needs required to enable them to make progress or fulfil their potential without which, he/she is at risk of underachieving in mainstream education or in their specific area of talent or potential.
These needs include, but are not limited to:
- Proven medical condition such as autism spectrum, learning disabilities etc., which requires alternative teaching methods, smaller class sizes, greater teacher attention, supplementary lessons; or
- The child is ‘gifted and talented’ for example performs at, or shows the potential for performing at, a high level of accomplishment: academically, artistically and/or physically and who require additional support not provided by mainstream education and has been awarded a partial scholarship on the basis of ability.
Applicants may also apply for an additional grant if there is a proven case of hardship to fund the balance of school fees.
The following evidence will need to be submitted with your grant application form:
- details of the support required from the school, college, nursery, specialist, therapist as applicable/appropriate
- enquiries have been made to show that the support requested is not available through the normal channels or there would a lengthy wait to obtain the support needed.
- details of any bursaries, awards and academic scholarships applied for and the outcome of the applications, should be included with the application.
Application form (Early Years)
If you wish to apply for a grant, you can contact a member of our staff for a form or you can download the printable application form by clicking this link
School/Supplementary Teaching Fees
Further Education
A maximum grant of £1,750 per academic year may be awarded for those continuing in Further Education where the course they wish to undertake is not available to them locally. This includes Sixth Form College, F.E. Colleges or Specialist Colleges for example Agricultural College.
- In addition to a completed application form full details of the course the young person wishes to undertake must be provided along with evidence that the course is not available locally.
- Details of the costs that will be incurred by attending a college that is in a different locality to that in which the young person lives.
Application form
If you wish to apply for a grant, you can contact a member of our staff for a form or you can download the printable application form by clicking this link
Further & Higher Education For 16-18 Year Olds - This grant is usually appropriate for 16-18 year olds, however there may be circumstances where the Trustees can consider supporting applications from beneficiaries outside of this age group. Please contact the BTPF office if this applies to you.
Higher Education for 18-21 year olds
- A maximum grant of £3,500 per academic year may be awarded for those continuing into Higher Education. Under Graduate courses at University or qualifications at NVQ level 5/Higher National Diploma's, or Foundation Degrees.
- A grant towards one degree or equivalent will be awarded per applicant at any stage in life.
The following evidence will need to be submitted with your grant application form:
- A copy of A level (or equivalent) results if you are applying for support with the first year at University.
- A full copy of the paperwork from Student Finance England. This should include the letter issued by Student Finance England confirming approval of the student finance application. and confirms the academic year, the university or college attending, the course enrolled on and the course year. In addition, a copy of the student finance payments schedule evidencing dates of payment of tuition fees and maintenance loan (if any) payments.
Application form
If you wish to apply for a grant, you can contact a member of our staff for a form or you can download the printable application form by clicking this link
Higher Education For 18-21 Year Olds - This grant is usually appropriate for 18-21 year olds, however there may be circumstances where the Trustees can consider supporting applications from beneficiaries outside of this age group. Please contact the BTPF office if this applies to you.
Post Graduate Study
Applications for grants for post-graduate study; for example: PGCE, Professional Qualifications, Masters, NVQ Level 7/Post Graduate Diplomas or equivalent, where the purpose is for career progression and/or access to chosen profession will be considered on a discretionary case by case basis.
Application form
If you wish to apply for a grant you can contact a member of our staff for a form or you can download the printable application form by clicking this link.
Adult Education and Re-training
The trustees will consider awarding a grant to support the acquisition of new skills and/or qualifications if a beneficiary can demonstrate to the Trustees that the education or training will be beneficial to the beneficiary's long-term future. For example the acquisition of new skills and qualifications may enable a beneficiary to access a new hobby or interest and enhance a beneficiary's wellbeing.
In the case of employment and career related education and training this grant is only awarded on the basis of one of the following
- The applicant has approached their current employer for funding and been refused; or
- The employer is only able to part fund the course; or
- The applicant is self-employed or unemployed
- Where the employer is able to part fund the course a grant will only be made to the extent not covered by the current employer.
Applications will be considered for assistance with one degree or equivalent per beneficiary at any stage in life.
If the training/qualification is necessary for the purposes of a beneficiary's employment it is for the employer to fund the training/qualification and grant applications will not be considered.
Application form (Adult & Re-Training)
If you wish to apply for a grant, you can contact a member of our staff for a form or you can download the printable application form by clicking this link
Adult Education and Re-training