
Eligibility to apply for a grant from the Baily Thomas Provident Fund is open to former employees of Mansfield Brewery PLC, their spouse and their dependants. 

In order to qualify, you will need to meet one of the following criteria and complete the eligibility process below:

  • a former employee of Mansfield Brewery PLC or one of its subsidiaries or managed public houses and employed for at least one year*
  • the spouse of a former employee
  • a dependant of a qualifying former employee, such as a child under the age of 18 or a child over the age of 18 who is in full-time education or training

*The trustees may waive the minimum term of employment in exceptional circumstances.


Complete the steps below to progress your eligibility check. 

If you have accessed the Baily Thomas Provident Fund previously and your eligibility has been confirmed, click this link What we do to download  the printable application forms. 

Search our list of establishments to see if the establishment was owned by Mansfield Brewery PLC.
Complete and submit an eligibility enquiry form to finish the eligibility process for you or someone you know.